How today’s retailers are tackling industry challenges

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
10 a.m. PT | 1 p.m. ET
Wondering how successful retailers are gearing up for 2024? Join us for an engaging panel webinar where we’ll explore real-world applications of digital workplace solutions in addressing the challenges faced by the retail industry. From harnessing technology to retaining talent, building a stronger brand reputation, streamlining onboarding, and ensuring data security, discover how different organizations are leveraging their digital workplaces to shape the future of retail.

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • Practical applications: Hear firsthand experiences from Christian Brothers Automotive as they share how they’re navigating the ever-evolving landscape of retail challenges and embracing emerging trends

  • Solutions in action: Learn how these organizations are identifying opportunities within challenges. Explore innovative strategies that empower retailers to create a consistent brand, ensure a great customer experience, and create a better work experience for all employees.

  • State of the industry: Gain insights into the current state and uncertainties of the retail industry in 2024. Discover actionable takeaways and creating solutions employed by industry peers to guide your organization to a successful future.

Brad Rooke
Senior Customer Advocacy Marketing Manager, Igloo Software
Paige Stilwill
Sr. Messaging and Communications Specialist, Christian Brothers Automotive


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Río de la Plata

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Quisque eu nibh in tortor euismod mattis id id leo. Proin malesuada vehicula nulla, id rutrum dolor fringilla in.


Guest Speaker
Cheryl McKinnon
Principal Analyst,
Forrester Research

Image 2

Duong Tran
Senior Product Marketing Manager,
Igloo Software


Maecenas gravida mauris quis consectetur tempor. Aenean at volutpat enim. Pellentesque eu lacus vulputate, semper arcu nec, dictum felis. luctus ligula vitae ex aliquam pulvinar.


Maecenas gravida mauris quis consectetur tempor. Aenean at volutpat enim. Pellentesque eu lacus vulputate, semper arcu nec, dictum felis. luctus ligula vitae ex aliquam pulvinar.


Maecenas gravida mauris quis consectetur tempor. Aenean at volutpat enim. Pellentesque eu lacus vulputate, semper arcu nec, dictum felis. luctus ligula vitae ex aliquam pulvinar.